Rapid Assistants is Here to Help Grow Your Real Estate Business!
See Pricing and Hourly Wages Here

Live Follow Up Calls From Our Clients Rapid Assistants

Our VAs ask the Right Qualifying Questions

We Communicate Strategically

75% of Contracts come from Follow up


Get a Trained Follow-Up Virtual Assistant in a Few Clicks.

You’re probably sitting on a goldmine and don’t even realize it...

Are you actively marketing to sellers and adding seller leads to your list?

If so, you are probably sitting on hundreds, maybe even thousands of leads that need to be followed up with.

Sales is a follow-up game...

Especially in the ultra-competitive market we are currently in.

You're sitting a well full of cash.

You just need to tap that well with a follow-up specialist!

Get Started Today

Highly Skilled

Your VA will be highly skilled in upper-level executive tasks and spend time with our team learning the CORE values and necessities.

DISC + English Tested

We provide you with a DISC Personality, English, and Five Other Reports on Every Candidate.

Low Cost

Our follow-up specialists are paid by an hourly wage.

Hundreds Interviewed

Our team filters down to the best VA after a tedious interview process.

☝🏻Step One: See What Our Follow Up Specialists Can Do.


You’re probably sitting on a goldmine and don’t realize it...

Are you actively marketing to sellers and adding seller leads to your CRM?

If so, you are sitting on a valuable asset that could be paying you month in and month out.

I meet a lot of real estate investors that are good at marketing...

They have a ton of stacked leads in their CRM...

But they aren’t working those leads as they should be.

Most salespeople want red hot fresh motivated seller leads to gobble up.

They dislike working the follow-up game...

(Because it’s work)

But mastering the “follow-up” is a goldmine...

If done right.

Most don’t do it.


 And those that do..usually don’t do it as good as it could be done.


Are they lazy?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Are they busy?

For sure.

It’s just not top of mind.

With new leads flowing in they just focus on those.

Imagine if you had someone on your team that could focus completely on the follow-up game?

An expert “follow up machine” that dug into your CRM and turned over every lead until they raised their hand again and told you they were ready to sell?

Well, now you have that option.

Sign up one of my follow-up specialists and start warming up old leads to hand off to your acquisitions team.


 Sales is a follow-up game...

Especially in the ultra-competitive market we are currently in.

You're sitting a well full of cash.

You just need to tap that well with a follow-up specialist.

1-2 extra closed deals pays for them FOR THE YEAR.

Right now I’m doing an introductory price...

You can see it on the bottom of the page...

(Once paid we deliver them to you in 3-4 weeks)

From there it’s just a small per hour cost for 40 hours a week.

Get them started and start closing more deals.

Due to the time it takes to find and train these follow-up specialists we are only releasing 10 VA’s.

Click below to place your order!

🙌🏻Step Two: Purchase Your VA

  • Hiring - Startup Fee of $2,997. This is the startup cost for us to screen and find a vetted VA, and then train them on the follow-up to bring them up to speed on our real estate systems and strategies. Once they are trained, we hand them off to you, ready to work!
  • Weekly Wages - Once your new VA is trained, they are your sole employee, but must be paid through our secure invoicing portal. We will have previously agreed on their hourly rate, and you will be sent a weekly invoice for their time. You will take the amount owed, and pay it through the portal. See hourly wage here
  • Salary - $10/hr  

One Trained Follow-Up VA


For One Rapid Assistant VA

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee-Your VA will complete your tasks with accuracy and to your satisfaction or we will find a new VA and re-train at no additional cost to you.  Full details can be found at the bottom of our home page.
  • Salary - $10/hr  

Anna Capistrano (VA)

I have been with Rapid Assistants for a month now, and I feel I'm growing with the company every single day. Our capability is not measured by what we can't do. Rapid Assistants provides continuous training, encourages improvement and we have an amazing support team!
With Rapid Assistants, you are never alone! They truly care about their clients and employees.

Ravi Cheema (Client)

I never thought getting a VA could be that simple and hassle-free of a process. I have hired VA’s in the past directly or through Upwork and some other providers and it’s always been a challenge to get the right fit. But this time all I was asked was "How many hours do you want your VA to work and which marketing plan do you want to stick to" and in a week, I get a trained VA on those specific tasks. Any questions I had got answered right away. Next thing, I requested to double the time and add some more tasks and now I have a trained VA getting me leads and doing all the tasks in a WEEK’S TIME. I am blown away by the efficiency and simplicity of the process.

Victor Cuevas (VA)

I'm barely new to the company, and right from my interview, I knew that Rapid Assistants is going to impact my learning experience for good. It has offered me the growth opportunity by recognizing the best of my abilities as a VA. I feel glad to work in such a challenging and positive work environment. The training and development never stop to keep your passion alive, but will also help you further your career. Shoutout to my Trainer: Hazel, thank you so much for the support and patience. I'll keep on progressing as I learn more from you guys.

What Qualifies Us to Train Your VA:

Thousands of Real Estate Transactions Completed, with VA's involved in every one.

Our real estate company buys and sells actively buys and sells houses using only our VA team. Our company has purchased and sold over 85+ million dollars worth of real estate.

A Pre-Built Training Library

In addition to providing real estate investors with Fully Trained Virtual Assistants, we also sell real estate education to the masses. We have created some of the best education available today, and your VA will have access to the entire library to learn as they go. 

Hire Your Trained VA Today

We Employ Over 60 VA's on Our Staff

We know Virtual Assistants. With over 60 VA's on staff and more being added monthly, we have been slowly restructuring our real estate business to run every position with a Virtual Assistant. (Except for "Boots-On the Ground" Positions)

One Trained VA


For One Follow-Up Rapid Assistant

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee-Your VA will complete your tasks with accuracy and to your satisfaction or we will find a new VA and re-train at no additional cost to you. 
View Our Satisfaction Policy